Be Informed About the Benefits of Fall Furnace Tune-Ups in Waynesboro, VA

During the frosty winter season, your furnace should work efficiently with no breakdowns. To help ensure smooth operation during the height of the season, you’ll want to get your furnace tuned up earlier on in the fall. Here are the four main benefits of fall furnace tune-ups in Waynesboro, VA.

Reduces Frequency of Repairs

A fall furnace inspection gives the expert a chance to find the issues affecting the furnace early enough before they result in costly repairs. A seasonal tune-up of your furnace involves regular cleaning, inspection, and lubrication of the furnace. These activities will reduce the downtime and enhance the efficiency of the furnace.

Enhances Safety of Furnace

The safety of your home and family should always come first. Your HVAC maintenance professional will check out all of your furnace’s safety features during a regular fall tune-up. The safety checks conducted during the fall tune-up include:

  • Adjusting and cleaning burner
  • Cleaning furnace ignition components
  • Checking the air filters
  • Inspecting the heat exchanger
  • Checking the safety controls

Maximizes Furnace Efficiency

Fall tune-up will ensure your furnace is operating at maximum efficiency and effectiveness during the frigid winter season. Once your technician examines, lubricates, and adjusts your furnace, your system will be able to heat your home more efficiently. Early maintenance practices can help you avoid higher energy bills and chilly winter nights.

Helps Ensure Longevity for Your Furnace

A furnace is a substantial investment. Therefore, it should serve you for a long time before requiring replacement. Regular maintenance of your furnace between seasons will help ensure that your furnace serves you for the long haul. Checking and replacing parts that are subject to wear and tear will help your furnace to last longer.

If you want to tune up your furnace this fall, contact us at Valley Air Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. We offer a full line of premier plumbing and HVAC services in Waynesboro, VA, and its surroundings. We specialize in HVAC system installation, AC repairs, boiler services, and ductless AC services, among others.

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