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Needing Frequent Furnace Repairs Is a Bad Sign

In Waynesboro, VA, residents rely on their heating systems to stay comfortable during the cold months. The last thing you want is to wake up to freezing temperatures with no heat. If your furnace needs frequent repairs or is not able to provide adequate indoor comfort, you may need a heating system replacement.

Furnace Tune-ups

Fall tune-ups reduce the likelihood of requiring frequent furnace repairs. If you have not already checked your furnace, now is the time to do it.

Heating tune-ups examine each element of the heating system, including filters, combustion systems, vents, flues, thermostats, belts and ducts. Service technicians also check electrical connections, voltage and the condensate system. In addition, they test for dangerous gases and ensure that the system cycles and shuts off properly.

Furnace Warning Signs

If your furnace makes odd noises, turns off and on frequently or consumes a lot of fuel, call for furnace repair. Tending to problems as they occur keeps small issues from becoming big ones. A certified heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractor can evaluate your furnace and recommend options.

Older Furnaces

The average lifespan of a furnace ranges between 15 and 20 years. Older furnaces are not as energy efficient as newer models, one reason you may have high heating costs. If the blower runs frequently, the unit may be running more to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Newer furnaces have annual fuel utilization efficiencies as high as 97.5%. This means that less than 3% of the fuel used for heating is lost. In contrast, older models may have AFUEs as low as 55%. Almost half of the heat energy is lost.

Hire the Experts at Valley Air Heating, Cooling & Plumbing

When our certified technicians reach your home or business, we thoroughly check your heating system to identify problems. We perform a cost analysis to determine when replacement is more cost-effective than repairs. If repair estimates are more than 50% of the cost of a replacement, you may be better off with a new heating system.

We install, service and maintain heat pumps, boilers, furnaces, central units, and other types of heating systems. Call (540) 302-5186 for more information about furnace repairs and heating system replacements.

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