Is Your Ductwork Insulation Causing Moisture In Your Home?

Your home is designed to help keep unwanted moisture out to prevent mold. Yet, in some cases, moisture may actually be coming from inside your home.

Moisture can build up in your home’s ductwork and vents. This problem can cause just as much damage to your home as a leaking roof.

But how does moisture get into your home’s ducts in the first place? And what can you do to keep it from happening?

What causes ductwork condensation?

Condensation can form inside your HVAC ductwork when the cold air from your ducts comes into contact with the humid air outside. If this problem isn’t taken care of, the condensation inside your ductwork can cause mildew and mold growth.

The condensation can also cause mold in your drywall, your walls, ceilings, and even the structural aspects of your home. That said, it’s critical that you take care of unwanted condensation as soon as you notice it.

How can I prevent ductwork condensation?

Ductwork condensation can be prevented by insulating your ductwork with quality insulation. But before you clean out your ducts and apply insulation, it’s important to first contact an HVAC professional.

An HVAC professional will be able to assess the condition of your ducts and HVAC units. They can also let you know what might be wrong with your current insulation and how it can be fixed.

For instance, your existing insulation may be good but may have small holes or cracks that are letting in moisture. This is common, especially considering 25% of a home’s heat is lost through small cracks and holes.

Combat the humidity in your home

There’s a chance your condensation problem isn’t being caused by your insulation. It’s for this reason that you should have your ducts inspected by a professional HVAC contractor.

If your insulation is in good shape and doesn’t have any holes or cracks, the problem may be the humidity in your home. Excessive humidity can cause moisture to build up in your drywall and ductwork.

Your air conditioner is designed to dehumidify your space. But if your AC is too powerful for your home or if its broken, it can have problems properly dehumidifying the space.

Whether you’re looking for an HVAC contractor, a plumbing contractor, or a water heat contractor, Valley Air HVAC services has what you need. To learn more about our residential HVAC services, commercial AC repair, or to hire a plumbing contractor, contact Valley Air today.

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