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How Can I Keep My Water Pipes From Freezing This Winter?

Winter is right around the corner and temperatures are beginning to drop. It’s that time of year where frozen pipes become a common threat to many homeowners across the U.S., which means it’s time to start taking measures inside to keep your pipes warm and your water running.

Here are a few things you can do to keep your pipes from freezing this winter:

  1. Keep your garage doors closed. Unless you’re entering or exiting the garage, your garage doors ought to be closed during the winter months. This is because the cold air, especially if there are water supply lines in the garage, can put your water pipes at higher risk for freezing.
  2. Keep your kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors open. To keep your water pipes from freezing, it’s good to let the warm air from your home circulate beneath your sinks to reach your pipes.
  3. Let your water drip from your faucet. It’s true that letting water drip from your faucet can cause water waste, but it’s important to let your faucet a little. This is because the running water helps keep the water passage clear through the pipes and helps prevent ice from forming.
  4. Keep your thermostat set to the same temperature. You may have it in mind to lower the temperature of your thermostat during the night to save a few extra bucks on your heating bill. However, the cooler temperatures at night can actually cause your pipes to freeze which is why it’s a good idea to keep your thermostat at the same temperature during the day and night.
  5. Contact a professional plumbing service. Professional plumbing services know how to properly insulate your pipes for the winter months to keep them from freezing and to prevent your water pipes from bursting in the colder weather.

Need a plumbing service?

A leaky faucet that drips twice a minute can waste more than a gallon of water in a single week. Imagine how much water would be wasted and how much property damaged would be caused by a burst water pipe this winter.

To keep your water pipes from freezing this winter, or to thaw frozen water pipes once you find them, contact the professional plumbing services and HVAC services of Valley HVAC today.

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