3 Ways You Can Improve Your Home’s Airflow in Staunton, VA

The rate of airflow in your Staunton, VA, home can influence how well your HVAC system functions and how comfortable your household feels. Here are three ways you can help improve the airflow in your home.

1. Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Your HVAC system is the primary tool responsible for circulating air through your home. To keep it functioning properly, trained technicians will need to give it periodic tune-ups. Such work will help ensure that the system continues operating as efficiently as possible and that it will continue circulating air effectively.

We recommend scheduling HVAC maintenance at least twice every year. Early spring is the best time to schedule cooling maintenance and early fall is the best time to schedule heating maintenance.

2. Keep Your Filters Clean

While effective maintenance requires the intervention of trained professionals, you can keep your HVAC system’s filters clean all on your own. Over time, airborne pollutants will stick to your system’s filters. If enough dirt and debris accumulate on the filter, it can significantly impede your HVAC system’s airflow.

If you have a traditional central HVAC system, you’ll need to clean or replace its filters every one to three months. Ductless mini-splits require you to clean your filters roughly once every two weeks.

3. Open and Clean Your Vents

It’s a good idea to keep your vents open and clean them regularly. Keeping  them open will  help promote proper airflow. Cleaning them routinely will remove some of  the dirt that can clog the filer and reduce airflow. However, it’s always best to enlist the help of a professional for a comprehensive cleaning of your HVAC system.

Once you increase the airflow through your home, you’ll likely notice the difference right away.. Our family-owned and operated company understands the importance of keeping your home comfortable and maintaining a healthy indoor environment for your family. Call Valley Air Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today to learn more about our indoor air quality services or schedule an appointment in Staunton, VA.

Image provided by iStock

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